Es Computing EditPlus Crack 5.8 Free Download


Es Computing EditPlus Crack is a lightweight yet robust text editor that has been a favorite among developers and writers since its inception in 1998. Created by ES-Computing, a South Korean software company, EditPlus has evolved over the years to become a go-to solution for those seeking a balance between simplicity and functionality.

At its core, EditPlus is designed to streamline the process of editing text, writing code, and managing various file formats. It’s not just another notepad replacement; it’s a fully-fledged development environment that supports a wide array of programming languages and text-based tasks.

Key features that set EditPlus apart include:

  • Syntax highlighting for numerous programming languages
  • Code folding for better organization
  • Auto-completion to speed up coding
  • Built-in FTP/SFTP client for easy file management
  • Powerful search and replace functions with regular expression support

These features barely scratch the surface of what EditPlus offers, but they highlight why it’s become an indispensable tool for many professionals.

Getting Started with EditPlus

System Requirements

EditPlus Activation Key is designed to run smoothly on most modern Windows systems. Here are the basic requirements:

  • Operating System: Windows 7/8/10/11
  • Processor: 1 GHz or faster
  • RAM: 2 GB (4 GB recommended)
  • Disk Space: 50 MB for installation

Installation Process

Installing EditPlus is a breeze. Follow these steps:

  1. Download the installer from our site
  2. Run the executable file
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions
  4. Choose your installation directory
  5. Select additional components (if desired)
  6. Complete the installation

The whole process typically takes less than a minute, and you’ll be ready to start using EditPlus immediately.

First-time Setup and Configuration

When you first launch EditPlus, you’ll be greeted with a clean, intuitive interface. To get the most out of the software, consider these initial setup steps:

  1. Choose your color scheme: Go to Tools > Preferences > Colors to select a theme that suits your style.
  2. Configure auto-save: Navigate to Tools > Preferences > Auto Save to set up automatic backups of your work.
  3. Customize toolbars: Right-click on the toolbar area to add or remove buttons for quick access to your most-used features.
  4. Set up syntax highlighting: If your preferred language isn’t automatically detected, go to Document > Syntax Highlighting to select the appropriate option.

Taking a few moments to personalize these settings will enhance your EditPlus experience from the get-go.

Es Computing Editplus Crack

EditPlus Interface: A User-Friendly Experience

The EditPlus interface strikes a perfect balance between functionality and simplicity. Let’s break down its main components:

Main Window Layout

The main window consists of:

  • A menu bar at the top
  • Customizable toolbars below the menu
  • A document area where you’ll do most of your work
  • A status bar at the bottom displaying useful information

Toolbars and Menus

EditPlus offers a range of toolbars that you can show or hide based on your needs:

  • Standard toolbar: Common file operations
  • Edit toolbar: Cut, copy, paste, and undo functions
  • Find toolbar: Quick access to search and replace
  • Tool toolbar: User-defined tools and macros

The menu system is logically organized, making it easy to find the functions you need without overwhelming you with options.

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Customizing the Interface

One of EditPlus’s strengths is its flexibility. You can tailor the interface to your liking:

  • Rearrange toolbars by dragging and dropping
  • Add or remove toolbar buttons
  • Create custom toolbars for specific tasks
  • Adjust font sizes and types for better readability

This level of customization ensures that EditPlus can adapt to your workflow, not the other way around.

Core Features of Es Computing EditPlus

Syntax Highlighting

EditPlus shines when it comes to syntax highlighting, supporting a vast array of programming languages. Here’s a quick rundown:

Category Supported Languages
Web Development HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, ASP
General Programming C, C++, Java, Python, Ruby
Scripting Perl, Shell Script, PowerShell
Markup XML, Markdown, LaTeX
Database SQL

But it doesn’t stop there. EditPlus allows you to create custom syntax highlighting rules for any language not natively supported, ensuring that your code always looks clean and organized.

Code Folding

Code folding is a game-changer for managing large files. EditPlus implements this feature elegantly, allowing you to collapse and expand sections of your code based on their structure. This is particularly useful for:

  • Navigating long documents quickly
  • Focusing on specific parts of your code
  • Getting a bird’s-eye view of your document’s structure


The auto-completion feature in EditPlus is a time-saver that can significantly boost your productivity. It works by:

  1. Suggesting completions for words you’ve already typed in the document
  2. Offering language-specific suggestions based on syntax
  3. Allowing you to define your own auto-complete libraries

This feature adapts to your coding style over time, making your workflow smoother and more efficient.

Multiple Document Interface (MDI)

EditPlus’s MDI allows you to work on multiple files simultaneously within a single window. This feature offers:

  • Easy switching between documents
  • The ability to arrange windows side by side for comparison
  • Efficient management of related files in a project

Powerful Search and Replace Functions

The search capabilities in EditPlus go beyond simple find-and-replace operations. You can:

  • Use regular expressions for complex search patterns
  • Search across multiple files or directories
  • Replace text with incremental numbers or dates
  • Save and reuse search queries

These advanced search functions make EditPlus License Key an excellent tool for large-scale text manipulation and code refactoring.

Advanced Editing Capabilities in EditPlus

Regular Expression Support

Regular expressions (regex) are a powerful tool for pattern matching and text manipulation. EditPlus provides robust regex support, allowing you to:

  • Perform complex search and replace operations
  • Validate and extract data from text
  • Reformat large amounts of text quickly

Here’s a simple example of using regex in EditPlus:

Find: \b(\w+)\s+\1\b
Replace: \1

This regex finds and removes duplicate words in your text.

Column Mode Editing

Column mode (or vertical selection mode) is a feature that sets EditPlus apart from many basic text editors. It allows you to:

  • Select and edit text in columns
  • Insert or delete text across multiple lines simultaneously
  • Perform operations on rectangular blocks of text

This feature is invaluable when working with tabular data or aligning code.

Macro Recording and Playback

Macros in EditPlus Crack can automate repetitive tasks. Here’s how they work:

  1. Start recording a macro
  2. Perform the series of actions you want to automate
  3. Stop recording and save the macro
  4. Play back the macro whenever needed

You can assign keyboard shortcuts to your macros, making complex operations as simple as pressing a few keys.

Clipboard History

EditPlus maintains a history of your clipboard operations, allowing you to:

  • Access previously copied or cut text
  • Paste from multiple clipboard entries
  • Save frequently used text snippets for quick access

This feature is a lifesaver when you need to retrieve something you copied earlier but have since overwritten.

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Adobe Illustrator 2023 Crack Free Download

EditPlus for Programmers

Built-in FTP/SFTP Client

The integrated FTP/SFTP client in EditPlus is a standout feature for web developers. It allows you to:

  • Edit remote files directly
  • Synchronize local and remote files
  • Manage multiple FTP connections

This seamless integration eliminates the need for separate FTP software, streamlining your workflow.

Compiler Support

EditPlus supports various compilers, making it easy to compile and run your code directly from the editor. You can:

  • Configure multiple compilers for different languages
  • Customize compiler options
  • View compiler output within EditPlus

This feature turns EditPlus into a lightweight IDE, perfect for quick coding tasks and small to medium-sized projects.

Integrated Web Browser

The built-in web browser in EditPlus is a handy tool for web developers. It allows you to:

  • Preview HTML pages instantly
  • Test JavaScript functionality
  • View changes in real-time as you edit

While not a replacement for full-featured browsers, it’s excellent for quick checks and basic testing.

Hex Viewer and Editor

For low-level programming or file analysis, EditPlus includes a hex viewer and editor. This tool lets you:

  • View and edit binary files
  • Analyze file structures
  • Make precise modifications to data

It’s a valuable addition that rounds out EditPlus’s capabilities as a comprehensive text and code editor.

EditPlus for Writers and Content Creators

While EditPlus is often associated with programming, it’s equally useful for writers and content creators. Here’s why:

Spell Checker

The built-in spell checker helps you catch typos and spelling errors quickly. It supports multiple languages and allows you to add custom words to your dictionary.

Word Count and Document Statistics

EditPlus provides detailed statistics about your documents, including:

  • Word count
  • Character count (with and without spaces)
  • Line count
  • Average word length

These metrics are invaluable for writers working with specific word count requirements or analyzing their writing style.

Multiple Encoding Support

EditPlus handles various text encodings, including:

  • UTF-8
  • Unicode
  • Many regional encodings

This support ensures that you can work with texts from different sources without encoding issues.

Auto-Save and Backup Features

To protect your work, EditPlus offers:

  • Configurable auto-save intervals
  • Automatic backup creation
  • File recovery in case of unexpected shutdowns

These features provide peace of mind, allowing you to focus on your writing without worrying about losing your work.

Customization Options in EditPlus

User Tools and Keyboard Shortcuts

EditPlus allows you to create custom tools and assign keyboard shortcuts. This feature enables you to:

  • Integrate external applications
  • Create complex text processing scripts
  • Streamline your workflow with personalized shortcuts

Themes and Color Schemes

You can customize the look and feel of EditPlus with:

  • Pre-built themes
  • Custom color schemes
  • Font selection for the editor and interface

This level of customization helps reduce eye strain and makes the editor more pleasant to use for long periods.

Plugin Support and Extensions

While EditPlus doesn’t have an extensive plugin ecosystem like some other editors, it does support:

  • User-created tools and scripts
  • Integration with external applications
  • Custom syntax highlighting definitions

These options allow you to extend EditPlus’s functionality to suit your specific needs.

Es Computing Editplus Crack

EditPlus vs. Other Text Editors

To put EditPlus Patch in context, let’s compare it with some popular alternatives:

Feature EditPlus Notepad++ Sublime Text Visual Studio Code
Price Paid (with trial) Free Paid (with unlimited trial) Free
Performance Very fast Fast Very fast Moderate
Extensibility Limited Good Excellent Excellent
UI Customization Good Moderate Excellent Excellent
Built-in FTP Yes No With plugin With extension
Language Support Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent

EditPlus stands out for its speed and built-in FTP support, making it an excellent choice for web developers and those who value performance.

Tips and Tricks for Maximizing EditPlus Efficiency

To get the most out of EditPlus, consider these pro tips:

  1. Master keyboard shortcuts: Learn the most commonly used shortcuts to speed up your workflow.
  2. Use the clipboard history: Take advantage of the multiple clipboard entries to work more efficiently.
  3. Create custom tools: Automate repetitive tasks by creating user tools and assigning them to keyboard shortcuts.
  4. Leverage code templates: Set up code snippets for frequently used structures to save time.
  5. Customize syntax highlighting: Tailor the color scheme to make your code more readable and reduce eye strain.

Troubleshooting Common EditPlus Issues

While EditPlus is generally stable, you might encounter some issues. Here are solutions to common problems:

  1. Installation fails: Ensure you have administrator rights and try running the installer in compatibility mode.
  2. Slow performance: Check for large files in the auto-save directory and clear them if necessary.
  3. File encoding conflicts: Use the “File > Reload As” option to open the file with the correct encoding.
  4. Syntax highlighting not working: Verify that the file extension is associated with the correct language in EditPlus settings.

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The Future of EditPlus

Es Computing continues to develop EditPlus, with regular updates that include:

  • New language support
  • Performance improvements
  • User-requested features

The company’s commitment to user feedback ensures that EditPlus remains relevant and useful in an ever-changing technological landscape.

Conclusion: Is Es Computing EditPlus Right for You?

EditPlus Crack stands out as a powerful, efficient text editor that offers a perfect balance between simplicity and functionality. Its strengths lie in:

  • Fast performance
  • Extensive language support
  • Built-in FTP capabilities
  • User-friendly interface

For programmers, web developers, and writers who value speed and customization without the bloat of larger IDEs, EditPlus is an excellent choice. Its lifetime license model also makes it a cost-effective solution for long-term use.

While it may not have the extensive plugin ecosystem of some competitors, EditPlus compensates with its rock-solid core features and efficient performance. If you’re looking for a reliable, fast, and feature-rich text editor that can handle everything from quick edits to full-scale development projects, Es Computing EditPlus deserves a spot at the top of your list.

By admin

74 thoughts on “Es Computing EditPlus Crack 5.8 Free Download”
  1. I would absolutely suggest this application to anybody needing a high-quality solution.

  2. I would highly recommend this application to professionals needing a high-quality solution.

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